- adaptive system
- самонастраивающаяся система
nc system — система ЧПУ
ABM system — система ПРО
integris system — система
panorama system — система
Bell system — система Белл
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary. 2014.
nc system — система ЧПУ
ABM system — система ПРО
integris system — система
panorama system — система
Bell system — система Белл
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary. 2014.
Adaptive system — An adaptive system is a system that is able to adapt its behavior according to changes in its environment or in parts of the system itself. A human being, for instance, is certainly an adaptive system; so are organizations and families. Some man… … Wikipedia
adaptive system — adaptyvioji sistema statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. adaptive system vok. adaptives System, n rus. адаптивная система, f pranc. système adaptatif, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
adaptive system — adaptyvioji sistema statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Sistema, galinti automatiškai keisti savo funkcijas, remdamasi sukaupta informacija arba pakitus aplinkos sąlygoms. Pavyzdžiui, mokomoji programa analizuoja besimokančiojo klaidas,… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
Adaptive system — Адаптивная система … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Complex adaptive system — Complex adaptive systems are special cases of complex systems. They are complex in that they are dynamic networks of interactions and relationships not aggregations of static entities. They are adaptive in that their individual and collective… … Wikipedia
complex adaptive system — UK US noun [C] (ABBREVIATION CAS) ► a system such as a business or other organization that consists of many connected parts which should change as conditions change in order to succeed: »Complex adaptive systems are open and dynamic; they… … Financial and business terms
System — (from Latin systēma , in turn from Greek polytonic|σύστημα systēma) is a set of interacting or interdependent entities, real or abstract, forming an integrated whole. The concept of an integrated whole can also be stated in terms of a system… … Wikipedia
Adaptive hypermedia — In contrast to traditional e learning/electronic learning (and face to face education) systems, whereby all learners are offered or even directed a standard series of hyperlinks, adaptive educational hypermedia tailors what the learner sees to… … Wikipedia
Adaptive Audio — technology allows a traditional interactive voice response, or IVR system to become adaptive to the skills and preferences of individual telephone callers in real time. When operating in this adaptive mode, the IVR dynamically adjusts the… … Wikipedia
Adaptive optics — (AO) is a technology used to improve the performance of optical systems by reducing the effects of rapidly changing optical distortion. It is used in astronomical telescopes and laser communication systems to remove the effects of atmospheric… … Wikipedia
Adaptive control — involves modifying the control law used by a controller to cope with the fact that the parameters of the system being controlled are slowly time varying or uncertain. For example, as an aircraft flies, its mass will slowly decrease as a result of … Wikipedia